warzone strategy meta loadout

EWC COD Warzone Strategies: From Beginner to Pro

Did you know that the top 1% of EWC Warzone players have a K/D ratio 10 times higher than average?

That’s right, while most of us are happy to break even, these pros are out there absolutely demolishing the competition.

It’s enough to make you wonder what their secret sauce is, right?

Well, buckle up, buttercup, because we’re about to dive deep into the world of EWC Warzone strategies.

And let me tell you, it’s a wild ride.

I’ve spent more hours than I care to admit (or that my significant other would approve of) studying these pros, and I’m here to spill the beans.

Now, you might be thinking, “Why should I care about strategies?

I just want to shoot stuff!”

Trust me, I get it.

I’ve been playing Warzone since the first day it came out.

Back in the day, It was all about that run-and-gun life.

But let me paint you a little picture to change your perspective.

It’s 2 AM, your on your 15th cup of coffee and in the final circle with your squad.

You’re feeling good, got some decent loot, and you’re ready to claim that sweet, sweet victory.

And then… BAM!

You get absolutely obliterated by a team that seemed to come out of nowhere.

Game over, man. Game over.

That’s when it hit me like a truck full of tactical nukes – strategy matters. A lot.

In Warzone, it’s not just about who’s got the fastest trigger finger (though that certainly helps).

It’s about making smart decisions, working as a team, and adapting to the ever-changing battlefield.

warzone teamwork

So, whether you’re a fresh-faced rookie just dropping into Verdansk for the first time, or a grizzled veteran looking to up your game, this guide’s got something for you.

We’re going to cover everything from the basics of not face-planting when you land, to advanced tactics that’ll have you pulling off clutch plays like your the streamer g60.

We’ll talk about landing spots that’ll give you a fighting chance, loadouts that’ll make you a force to be reckoned with, and movement techniques that’ll have your enemies wondering if you’ve got some kind of gaming chair.

Spoiler alert: It’s not about the chair. It’s about the strategies.

But here’s the kicker – this isn’t just some dry, boring manual. Nah, we’re going to approach this like we’re having a chat over a couple of cold ones (or hot ones, if that’s your jam).

I’ll be sharing some of my own embarrassing mistakes and hard-earned lessons along the way.

Because let’s face it, we’ve all had those moments where we’ve made decisions that made us want to yeet our controllers into the sun.

So settle in, and let’s dive into the fascinating world of EWC Warzone strategies.

By the time I’m done with ya, you’ll be ready to drop in, gear up, and show the competition why they should’ve stayed in the Gulag.

Let’s get it!

Getting Started: Essential EWC Warzone Strategies for Beginners

Alright, newbs, gather ’round!

Let’s talk about getting your feet wet in the world of Warzone without, you know, drowning immediately.

Trust me, I’ve been there, and it ain’t pretty.

First things first, let’s chat about operators.

Now, I know you might be tempted to pick the coolest looking character (I’m looking at you, Ghost fans), but hear me out.

Some operators blend into the environment better than others.

When I first started, I rolled with a neon pink skin.

Might as well have had a “shoot me” sign on my back!

Understanding the map is crucial.

I spent my first few games running around like a headless chicken, wondering why I kept getting picked off.

Pro tip: Take some time in a private match to explore.

For the love of everything holy, find out where those annoying snipers like to set up camp.

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You should also be aware of the busy locations and the little, covert hiding places.

Let’s talk looting.

It’s not about grabbing everything you see like you’re on some twisted episode of Supermarket Sweep.

Be strategic.

Prioritize armor, ammo, and cash.

Oh, and here’s a little secret I wish someone had told me earlier:

Those contracts? They’re not just fancy map decorations. They’re your ticket to better loot and more cash. Use ’em!

Lastly, let’s address the elephant in the room – communication.

I know, I know, talking to strangers on the internet can be about as appealing as a root canal.

But trust me, in Warzone, it’s essential.

Call out enemy positions, share loot, coordinate movements.

You don’t wanna lose a game because your too shy to tell your teammate to step his game up.

Advanced Landing Techniques in EWC Warzone

I love parachuting in this game but too many times I miss sticking the landing.

You don’t wanna be a pancake on the pavement.

Landing is your first chance to set the tone for the game, so make it count!

First up, choosing your landing spot.

Now, I used to think landing in the middle of nowhere was the smart play.

Turns out, I was just signing up for a 20-minute loot simulator.

Not a good way to set the tone.

Here are my top 5 landing spots for different play styles:

  1. Superstore – For the adrenaline junkies who love instant action
  2. Hospital – Great for squads who can coordinate well
  3. Storage Town – Perfect for those who want a balance of loot and fights
  4. Airport – Ideal for teams who love to snipe
  5. Farmland – For those who prefer a slower start with good loot

Here’s some technique.

You want to pull your chute as late as possible to get down fast, but not so late that you go splat.

It’s a delicate balance, kinda like trying to eat spaghetti on a first date – tricky, but doable with practice.

For contested drops, here’s a pro tip: land on a weapon.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve landed first, only to get punched to death while I’m trying to open a crate.

Lastly, let’s address the hot drop vs. safe landing debate. Hot drops are great for improving your early game fights, but safe landings give you time to loot up.

My advice?

Mix it up. Be unpredictable.

It’ll make you a more well-rounded player, and keep things spicy!

Loadout Strategies: Crafting the Perfect EWC Warzone Loadout

Don’t get it twisted – your loadout is like your battle buddy.

Treat it right, and it’ll have your back when the bullets start flying.

Meta weapons are king in Warzone, but don’t just blindly follow what everyone else is using.

Don’t spend a whole week trying to master the DMR meta, only to realize you couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn with it.

Find what works for you!

When it comes to attachments, think about your playstyle.

Are you a run-and-gun type? Focus on ADS speed and mobility.

More of a long-range engagement fan? Prioritize recoil control and bullet velocity.

And don’t be a dummy, use a suppressor.

Nothing says “Hey, I’m over here!” like unsuppressed gunfire.

Perks can make or break your game.

Ghost is almost always a must-have in your second loadout.

Overkill in the first loadout lets you grab two primary weapons.

And don’t sleep on Amped – that faster weapon swap has saved my bacon more times than I can count.

As for secondary weapons, the classic combo is usually an assault rifle paired with an SMG or sniper rifle.

But don’t be afraid to shake things up.

One time I won a game with a riot shield and kali sticks.

Was it pretty? No.

Was it effective? You bet your sweet bippy it was!

Remember, the meta changes faster than my excuse for losing (“Lag! It was definitely lag!”), so always be ready to adapt your loadout.

What worked yesterday might get you killed tomorrow.

Movement and Positioning: The Key to Survival in Warzone

Movin’ and Groovin’ baby!

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Good movement can make you harder to hit than a greased-up pig at a county fair.

Check out one of my favorite up and coming streamers, g60, and how he moves around the map.

G60 has some serious advanced movement techniques.

Slide canceling is your best friend.

It’s like the Warzone equivalent of strutting – you look cool and you move faster.

Bunny hopping around corners can throw off enemy aim. Just don’t go overboard, or you’ll look like a caffeinated kangaroo.

Using terrain and cover effectively is crucial.

The number of times I’ve seen players running across open fields like they’re in The Sound of Music… it hurts my soul.

Use natural cover, buildings, and even vehicles to break line of sight.

Remember, if you can see them, they can probably see you.

Rotation strategies are key to not getting caught with your pants down by the gas.

Always be thinking about your next move.

I like to rotate early, especially if I’m not confident in my team’s ability to win a late-game sprint to the safe zone.

Nothing’s worse than having a fully kitted loadout and dying to the gas because you couldn’t outrun it.

Vehicles are great for quick rotations, but use them wisely.

They’re loud, and in solos, they might as well have a neon sign saying “Free Kill Here!”

In squads, though, a well-coordinated vehicle push can be devastating.

Just watch out for those C4 tosses!

warzone vehicle c4

Engagement Strategies: Winning Gunfights Like an EWC Pro

Time to talk about the nitty-gritty – winning gunfights.

Because let’s face it, all the strategy in the world won’t help if you can’t hit the broad side of a barn.

Improving aim and recoil control is crucial.

I spent hours in plunder just shooting at walls to learn recoil patterns.

Weird? Yes. Effective? Also yes.

Find a sensitivity that works for you and stick with it.

Consistency is key.

Peeking and pre-aiming can give you a huge advantage.

Always assume someone’s watching that corner you’re about to round.

Don’t walk around a corner like you own the place, only to be sent to the Gulag faster than you can say “outplayed.”

Using tactical and lethal equipment effectively can turn the tide of a fight.

Stun grenades are great for pushing buildings, and C4… well, C4 is just fun.

But use them smartly. Don’t down yourself with your own C4 all because you got a little too excited.

Knowing when to engage is just as important as knowing how.

Sometimes, the best play is to let that solo player run by without taking the shot.

Other times, it’s to unleash hell.

It’s all about reading the situation.

Are you in a good position?

Do you have the right weapons for the engagement distance?

Is your team ready to back you up?

These are all questions you should be asking before you start blasting.

Team Tactics: Coordinating for EWC Warzone Success

Alright, squad goals time!

Playing with a team in Warzone is like synchronized swimming – it looks easy when the pros do it, but try it yourself and you might just drown.

Effective communication is key.

Develop a system of callouts that works for your team. “He’s over there!” isn’t helpful.

“Enemy on blue ping, second floor of the red building” is much better.

Don’t be that guy that calls out “he’s by the tree.” when your squads in a forest.

Role distribution within a squad can make a huge difference.

Maybe you’re the sniper, your buddy is the close-range specialist, and your other teammate is the tactical genius.

Play to your strengths.

Don’t be the “everyone be a jack of all trades” squad.

Coordinating pushes and retreats is crucial.

A well-timed push can wipe a squad before they know what hit them.

A poorly timed one can send you all back to the lobby.

Same goes for retreats – there’s no shame in living to fight another day.

I learned this the hard way after countless “hero moments” that ended with me spectating my teammates.

Revive and respawn strategies can turn the tide of a game.

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Always try to get your downed teammates to cover before reviving.

And if you’re going for a respawn, try to land them on a loadout or some loot.

Nothing’s worse than coming back with just a pistol and a dream.

circle management warzone

Circle Management: Staying Ahead of the Game

Circle management in Warzone is like playing chess, if chess could kill you with toxic gas.

It’s all about thinking ahead.

Reading and predicting circle patterns comes with experience.

Generally, the circle pulls towards areas with more complex terrain or buildings.

But sometimes, it’ll throw you a curveball and end in the middle of nowhere. Always have a plan B.

Positioning for late-game success is crucial.

High ground is usually king, but not always.

Sometimes, being the rat in the basement works too.

I’ve won games from both the peak of a mountain and the bottom of a bunker.

Adaptability is key.

Managing gas mask usage is an art form.

Try to avoid fighting while on the edge of the gas. Either commit to being in or out.

The in-between is where dreams go to die.

Adapting strategies for different final circle locations is important.

A final circle in Downtown plays very differently from one in the open fields.

Be prepared to switch up your playstyle on the fly.

I once had a final circle on the top of the ATC tower.

Let’s just say my ground loot SMG didn’t serve me well there.

Endgame Mastery: Closing Out Wins in Warzone

This is it, gamers- the moment of truth.

The endgame in Warzone is where boys become men, girls become women, and I usually become a nervous wreck.

Analyzing player counts and remaining teams is crucial.

If it’s you versus two solos, you might want to let them fight it out.

If it’s you versus a full squad, well… maybe it’s time to channel your inner Rambo like my favorite streamer, g60.

The high ground vs. low ground debate is always situational.

High ground gives you a great view but can leave you exposed.

Low ground offers more cover but limits your vision.

I’ve won from both – and lost from both.

It’s all about using your terrain effectively.

Managing resources in the final circles is key.

That armor satchel you’ve been hoarding? Use it.

The precision airstrike you’ve been saving for a rainy day? It’s pouring, my friend.

Don’t die with unused resources.

Don’t lose on a final 1v1 all because you forgot you had a cluster strike.

Clutch plays and 1vX situations are where legends are born.

Stay calm, use your equipment wisely, and remember – sometimes the best play is to let your enemies fight each other.

I once merked a team of 3 by simply letting the other team think they were alone.

They started fighting each other, and I just cleaned up the mess.

Sometimes, the best strategy is to let your enemies be their own worst enemy.


And there you have it, peeps – a whirlwind tour through the strategies that can take you from a Warzone washout to an EWC warrior.

We’ve covered everything from your first drop to your final victory, and hopefully, you’ve picked up some tips that’ll help you avoid the mistakes I’ve made.

Remember, at the end of the day, Warzone is about having fun.

Sure, winning is great (and trust me, it feels awesome), but don’t forget to enjoy the journey.

Some of my favorite Warzone memories are of spectacular failures, not just clutch wins.

These strategies aren’t set in stone – Warzone is always evolving, and so should you.

Keep practicing, keep adapting, and most importantly, keep learning.

Watch those killcams, analyze your gameplay, and don’t be afraid to try new things.

Who knows?

You might just discover the next meta strategy.

Teamwork and communication remain the bedrock of success in Warzone.

So grab your squad, jump into some games, and put these strategies to the test.

And if you’ve got some killer strategies of your own, don’t keep them to yourself!

Share them in the comments below.

After all, the Warzone community is all about sharing knowledge (and occasionally, calling each other mean names in the Gulag).

Now, if you’ll excuse me, my update for COD finished so I’m about to get back into it.

These wins aren’t going to secure themselves!

See you in Verdansk, and may the circle always be in your favor.

Unless you’re in my lobby, in which case… well, no hard feelings, right?

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